Thursday, April 28, 2011

Projects and Banquets and Tornadoes...oh my

Corny right up 'til the end. Finished my Numerical Weather Prediction presentation and did surprisingly well on that (95%! ...not to brag or anything). Attended my last senior banquet last night, and witnessed some of the horrific footage from AL and surrounding areas as one of the largest tornadic outbreaks in years took place.

It has certainly been a melange of good and bad events this week. All that is left are my final exams next week which I will start to study for now. Hopefully all goes well and then, I shall be done.

I don't know what the future holds for me, but with cautious optimism and some slight trepidation I shall journey forward. That's all for now!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Extended cold period

This seems to be one of the longest winters that I can remember. Just last night we had snow and ice reports throughout the state, and there was certainly some on my truck as I left the lab late last night.

I'm not sure that we're out of the woods yet as there doesn't seem to be much of a warm up on it's way any time soon, but boy oh boy, I sure could use some warm, sunny weather! Probably for the best, I don't need the added distraction right now while I'm working on my final projects.

Well not much else to contribute right now, and I know that I didn't put a link in my last post as I was in a hurry. So, I shall make up for it with TWO links:

Kongregate - Online web games
A great way to waste time!

VLC Media Player
I swear by this as a great alternative to Windows Media Player. It plays almost all files including some that WMP doesn't! I use this 99% of the time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Short and Sweet

As the title implies, I'm going to keep this entry short and sweet, since I have a lot going on right now as the final semester winds down. I find myself swamped with projects and work so if I don't focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand, I will freak out! ...well ok, probably not. Still, it can get frustrating.

Anyway, maybe I'll update more if I get any free time (hah! unlikely...) so until then, adios!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Website

I'm working on a personal website since this HTML class I've been taking has inspired me to take up programming again. I've found a decent host site (the one I linked to in the last blog I believe), I just don't know what to make the site about. I don't want it to be completely about me because that would be boring and somewhat egotistical. I don't know that I want it to be completely about weather, either, since not everyone would care for something like that and it seems a bit too "on the nose."

We'll see. I've made a bit of progress on it but it's slow going now that I have some exams coming up to study for. Anyway that's it for now. Until next time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools' Day

There's not much going on today. Decided to visit the folks for the weekend. Have some exams to study for.

I haven't forgotten about my last post, so here you go, another website to check out!

A very simple webhosting site. Ever wanted to make your own website? It's pretty easy (and free!). If you're like me and used to have a Yahoo! Geocities website (or four haha) then it's something you should check out. Something to do in one's spare time.

And here's another website to check out for those that aren't computer nerds like myself:

Things 90's Kids Realize

Being a 90's kid I have LOVED reading these articles. Very nostalgic.

Well that's all for this week. Hope all are doing well!