Monday, February 21, 2011

You Take the Good and the Bad well as the Wrong and the Right. By that I mean, we ended up not getting the amount of snow originally forecasted, but we still got enough to make travel conditions hazardous and a half-snow day. Unfortunately, my only class today was at night! Oh well.

I'm not going to be updating this every day, I can tell you that right now. It's more of just something to do when I think about it, and I'll probably be too busy this semester to update more than a couple of times a week (usually). We'll see.

My current thoughts linger towards ASOS observing. It's something I want to try for after graduation but as to WHERE is another question. You go where there is an available position or are needed (if you get the job that is). I learned recently that there may, indeed, be a position at a nearby airport that I had previously thought was unmanned. Chances of getting that particular place are slim at best anyway, but still, it makes me wonder of the convenience and possibilities.

On an opposite side to that thought/note, there is a bill currently being trying to be passed that would seriously cut the NWS budget. As if finding a job with the NWS wasn't hard enough. We'll see how this goes but I really hope that it does not pass.

That's all for now. I really have to get back to studying for this exam tomorrow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meteorology and Snow

Big "snow storm" today, although I'm just not seeing it accumulate as much as the models were predicting. The back edge of the storm is deteriorating too rapidly for my taste.

Anyway, sort of on that note, am I the only meteorologist that DOESN'T like snow? I don't mind forecasting for it, but I don't like driving in it either. I suppose I'm a little biased, because I was in an automobile accident which was on a very snowy road, and that kind of experience tends to stay with you. I hate driving in the snow and seeing all the accidents, having to creep along to keep from spinning out of control and always having to be on the look out for sliding vehicles. Plus, I only get sick once a year and it's during the winter, and it's usually a cold that makes me bedridden for at least a few days, although this year I had a cold that lasted three weeks! Ah well, that's just me, but apparently all the other meteorologists I've talked to get excited about the stuff and think you're not a TRUE meteorologist unless you are excited about snow as well. Oh well, guess I'm not a "true" meteorologist.

Other than this, not much else happening today. I haven't studied very much in the past two days but I have no choice but to crack down on the books and get going. Soon. Very soon. This computer and internet is just so distracting...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Kid on the Block

While "blogging" is nothing new to me, I decided to finally cave in and get a Blogger account set up. Life gets pretty hectic at times and it's nice just to have something recreational to do every once in awhile. What better way than to combine two things I like: Computers and Talking about myself!

Anyway, I've entered my final semester here at college and before long I'll have earned myself a B.S. in Meteorology (and Geography). Fun stuff. It's been a long and sometimes difficult road getting here, but it's been well worth the journey. I enter my last few months with some fear and trepidation, but also with hope and excitement. Who knows where life will take me next, but if it's anything like the last 5 years, I know I won't be bored!

As for the time being, I really should be studying for my upcoming Differential Equations exam this Tuesday, but being a Saturday afternoon, my mind and attention have been naturally wandering toward other activities, such as creating this blog. I think that I should go to the Meteorology Lab on campus to work, although I did that last night and had very little success in studying. Perhaps I'll have better luck at it today.

That's all from me for now. Perhaps I will continue to update this in the future with some relative frequency (as opposed to my other, now defunct, blogs). Have a great weekend!