Finally. 9 years of post-secondary education finally completed. I have in my hands now the culmination of my hard work; My Bachelor of Science degree. It's a great relief but at the same time it's difficult to keep optimism when I have not a clue as to where to go next. I am putting out resumes but as I already expected, no positive returns. Well, not all hope is lost; I shall continue to pursue this as I have the degree. Perseverance and all that.
In the mean time, I am enjoying some much needed "vacation" time. I have been getting over a recent cold but luckily for once I don't have anywhere I have to be, so I was able to get plenty of rest and am happy to report I am feeling much better.
Not a whole lot else to report for the time being. Until next time, I leave you with this link:
Some fascinating photos of Iceland's Disruptive Volcano
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